Our Carthage benefactors are extremely important to us, 并全力致力于提供及时周到的沟通和服务.


请在上午8点30分之前致电262-551-5700.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, or email advancement@magmadux.com whenever you wish.

Contact a team member at the Office of Advancement

Common Questions & Answers


We send acknowledgments for each individual gift; however, 如果你想要一份你所有捐赠的摘要,用于税务目的, 请致电262-551-5700或发送电子邮件至 advancement@magmadux.com.

I have not received an acknowledgment or receipt for my gift. When can I expect it?

我们尽一切努力在收到礼物的一周内处理和邮寄礼物收据. 如果两周过去了,你还没有收到答复, 请致电262-551-5700或发送电子邮件至 advancement@magmadux.com.


如果我们在任何方面误解了您礼物的细节,我们将不胜感激. 请致电262-551-5700或发送电子邮件至 advancement@magmadux.com. 如有需要,我们将立即更正并邮寄修改后的收据.

我收到一封感谢信,感谢我做了一个我从未做过的承诺. What should I do?

如果我们与您沟通有误,我们深表歉意,并希望有机会纠正我们的错误. 请致电262-551-5700或发送电子邮件至 advancement@magmadux.com.

What rights do I have as a donor?

Read the Donor Bill of Rights created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. Carthage adheres to all of these principles.


Privacy Policy

进步办公室致力于博彩网址大全学生的隐私, alumni, parents, employees, and friends. 本隐私声明解释了我们如何处理和使用我们收集的有关选民的个人信息.

While specific information may vary for particular individuals, we may collect, use, 存储和传输有关您的各种个人信息, which we have grouped together as follows:

  • Basic biographic/contact information -家庭和企业地址,电话号码,电子邮件地址和社交媒体联系信息.
  • Demographic information — names, gender, birth and death dates, photograph, and ethnicity (solely if you choose to provide ethnic information).
  • Student information obtained from Carthage records -学位,专业,隶属关系和俱乐部,奖励,活动和体育参与.
  • Employment information — company names, job titles, and industry information.
  • Family information -配偶/伴侣的姓名,子女的姓名和出生日期,以及家庭关系.
  • Alumni information — event attendance, volunteer interests, organization affiliations, committee participation, awards and honors, and athletics participation.
  • Donor information — giving information regarding any donation which is made, 包括财富评估信息和你对捐赠的兴趣指标.
  • Analytical information -与网站访问者活动和电子邮件营销活动相关的汇总信息.
  • Correspondence — interactions with the College and its personnel, including gift acknowledgments, survey responses, and correspondence with university representatives.

We collect information from a variety of sources. 我们保存的资料中有很大一部分是您提供给我们的, either by updating your profile within the alumni directory, registering for an event, making a gift, or corresponding with university personnel. For Carthage students and alumni, 你的资料会在你从博彩网址大全学院毕业后转移到advance.

我们也可能加强通过第三方来源收集的有关您的信息, including but not limited to ResearchPoint, iWave, CampaignMonitor, DonorScape, TargetAnalytics, Google Analytics, Lexis Nexis, Newsbank, and social media sites (such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).

我们将您的个人信息用于一些合法目的,所有这些目的都是为了支持学院及其使命. Specifically, we use your personal information to:

  • 让你随时了解学院和校友活动的最新信息.
  • 进行调查,包括校友满意度、捐赠偏好和兴趣.
  • Provide alumni services, 例如访问博彩网址大全学院校友目录和ASPIRE项目资源.
  • Fundraise for particular Carthage initiatives or programs, such as Athletics, The Tower, or the 150 Years of Women initiative.
  • 给你发送志愿者活动的信息,邀请你参加博彩网址大全社会活动或你所在地区的田径比赛.
  • 进行慈善偏好调查,以了解校友和支持者, to inform our fundraising strategy, and target our communications.
  • 执行管理任务和内部记录.
  • 创建和分析学生的综合信息(完全匿名), alumni, donors, 以及其他统计研究的支持者,以支持我们的教育使命.

To perform the functions listed above, 可能有必要与志愿者分享您的个人信息, students, and employees. 所有为我们履行职能的个人都被告知如何正确处理您的个人信息. 我们也可能与为我们提供服务的第三方共享您的个人信息, including but not limited to Blackbaud, Jenzabar, and Ruffalo Noel Levitz.

您可以通过点击另一家公司服务的链接离开我们的网站. Those companies have their own privacy and cookie statements, 你给他们的信息是按照他们的规则,而不是我们的. Users should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, 用户从博彩网址大全学院网站转到的任何网站.

You have the right to (1) access your personal information, (2) correct and update your information, and (3) object to communications, direct marketing, or profiling. To the extent applicable, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter, “GDPR”) provides additional information about your rights.

If you are inclined to exercise these rights, 我们要求有机会与您讨论您可能有的任何担忧. To protect the personal information we hold, 在行使这些权利时,我们也可能要求您提供进一步的信息来验证您的身份. Upon a request to erase information, 我们将保留一组核心个人数据,以确保我们将来不会无意中与您联系, as well as any information necessary for archival purposes, including US IRS compliance. In the event of an actual or threatened legal claim, we may retain your information for purposes of establishing, defending against, or exercising our rights with respect to such claim.

如果您从欧洲经济区(以下简称欧洲经济区)直接向博彩网址大全学院提供信息, “EEA”), 您同意将您的个人信息转移到欧洲经济区以外的美国. 您理解,美国现行法律法规可能无法提供与欧洲经济区数据和隐私法律法规相同的保护水平.


We may change this privacy statement from time to time. 如果我们在处理您的个人信息的方式上做出任何重大改变, we will make this clear on the Carthage website.